Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To My Knight in Shining Armor,

My soul, my spirit and my mind Thanks you. My Infinite ruler, faithful provider and prince of peace. I lift my White flag in surrender. Though my heart may be unsettled, you remind me that your love endures forever. The essence of who I am is through your son. The cancer of doubt has left; the sin that so easily entangles me is at your feet. I am no longer a victim of circumstance, leaving my life up to chance, drifting into a slumber while my life passes me by.

You created me in your image… who am I to say I am not worthy, unqualified and imperfect. You know that I am mere dust, but you chose to breathe life into me, orchestrate my destiny and perfect me into your likeness.

You listen to my prayers and protect me with your arsenal of angels. You say I am precious and honored in your sight. Through your eyes I was created for you glory. My worth comes from what I am… a reflection of the Most High, Elohim my creator. For you I live… for you I die…I am dead…. I died a thousand deaths in one day. The night of the living dead Christ’s way dead to the flesh, dead to the world… I am dead to sin and alive in Him.

Him…My knight, my king, giver of all great things… U have crowned me princess and adorned me with diamonds. I lay my alabaster box before you recklessly, abandoning who I used to be. Out of the pits of self pity u accepted me…. All of me, flaws and everything… I am not a surprise to you, you… the Alpha, and Omega the 1st and the last, my all Knowing God. My glorious king I appreciate you. You’re the coolest God on the planet. Lover of my soul, my boo, I cherish you.

From: Your Princess V.

The Essense of Beauty Part 1

The essense of beauty comes from within by displaying your love for Christ on canvass...then displaying love for yourself....may it be in written form or artisticly. Allowing your soul to be healed from the inside out.

Love the Greatest Commandment
Christ's Love on Canvass

For us he died,
Through Him we are alive
His Love Endures forever
Love the true life line
His grace is true enchantment
Love… The Greatest Commandment
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