Sunday, May 1, 2011

Love the Skin You're in

The Magazines that we invest so much money in lie to us. They have these images in them that have been digitally altered, photoshoped or airbrushed and we actually believe that we should strive to be like a particular model. How can you be something that does not exist?

We need to undersatnd that when these models/celebrities get makeovers it takes time. There is a great amount of makeup applied, waxing and priming that takes place. Remember that these individuals who have great bodies have personal trainers to achieve a certain look and chefs to prepare their meals. What we see in magazines is the end results of a great deal of work. Mind you people may even have plastic surgery to change there look.

There are many influences in the world right now that are trying to persuade you and suggest that you are not beautiful. What I want you to know is that you are very beautiful! God made sure that he created you... Just the way he wanted, the way he wanted (Ephesians 2:10). You are so unique that no one on this planet has your  fingerprint. I want you to know that God Loves you beyond measure... Love the Skin You're in! You are a custom design an original masterpiece.
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