Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pursuit of peace

We rush from one destination to another frantic about keeping up with our schedules. In the process we are anxious, annoyed and irritated if we miss one of our “important” obligations. At the end of the day we are overworked, burned out and no good to anyone. Here is a word of advice… relax! We must have peace with God, peace with ourselves and peace with others. If you are lacking in any of these three categories you must evaluate your life.
Peace with God: Rom 5:1 8:37, Colossians 3:15, John 8:44, John 10:10
Jesus governs our lives. We do not obtain peace from success, money, and big promotions. We find peace in the kingdom of God by being right with God (righteousness), leaning our whole weight upon him (trust) and surrendering our will (what our flesh wants to do) we’ll find peace, and joy within us. In order to do this we must know our enemy is Satan and that he is the father of lies and a thief. He is on guard trying to steal our blessings but as Christians we must fight the good fight of faith by planting the word of God in our heart and acting upon it.

Peace with Yourself: Rom 8:6, Psalm 139
Remember you create your own schedule. Give yourself breathing room in between daily events approx. 30 minutes before and after an event. Rushing starts in our minds, once we slow down in our thoughts our actions will follow suit. Many of us walk around with this dark cloud over our heads. We feel as though we are not worthy and end up having a poverty mentality, which leads to a mediocre life. When we do not accept ourselves (flaws and all) we are insulting God. You are not a mistake! God does not make mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! God knit you together in your mother’s womb. Stop allowing Satan to feed lies to you. You must be whole, in your health, finances, thoughts and relationships. Allow God to work in areas in your life that need change.

Peace with Others: Matthew 7:12, Phil 2:3-5, 1 Corinthians 13
Finally we must esteem others as higher than ourselves. We must adapt ourselves to their needs. Pride hinders that act. It is an unwillingness to admit fault or to take responsibility for ones actions. Humble yourselves before people and be eager to assist them in an area they may be weak in. We must also learn to say no and choose which activities to be involved in, in doing that we create stability and healthy boundaries for the people in our lives. Aggressively pursuing peace is a daily process. We will maintain a quiet inner life when we have peace with God, ourselves and others.
Written by:Vicky S. Joseph.... Reference Joyce Meyer In the pursuit of peace... Article was featured in Young Leaders of Today Newsletter


  1. May you rest in His perfect peace tonight!

    Delighted to meet you today and dear one, I completely agree, God can not and never should be placed in a box.

    Delighting in breaking boxes,
    Sarah Dawn

  2. Thank you Sarah... The pleasure is all mine. I have decided to rest! Peace is such a wonderful thing. We must (decide) to enter into His rest... if not chaos occurs. Trust me I had to learn the hard way. 80)


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